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Dr Cara Wong - MClinNeuro, PhD, MAPS

Founder, Clinical Neuropsychologist and Registered Psychologist

"The Wholistic Brain & Mind is an evidence-based neuropsychology service that addresses the brain, the mind and the body in its totality and not as individual pieces in the puzzle."


I have always had a fascination with the brain and the concept of neuroplasticity – i.e. how our experience shapes our neurons and their connections. I started my academic journey majoring in neuroscience, but fell in love with psychology and ended up studying it for another 10 years! After my honours I completed my PhD (using non-invasive brain stimulation to investigate areas of the brain involved in social cognition), and a Masters in Clinical Neuropsychology. Coming from a very 'science-focused' education, I found the separation between medical, psychology, and other health disciplines for treating the mind, brain and body very surprising. For example, we were never taught about nutrition, even though food is the only fuel for our brains, how exercise can grow new brain cells and connections, or how our mental state can alter our brain function!


Through my experience as a clinical neuropsychologist and previous health psychology researcher, I saw first-hand the links between lifestyle, physical and mental health, and brain function. I’ve always wanted to use my academic and clinical credentials to help others in a more practical and wholistic way. I am passionate about using neuropsychology assessment as a way to empower people to understand more about their brain and the power of neuroplasticity, and links between the brain, mind and body. After starting my journey into private practice, I further supplemented my traditional science and psychology training and delved into the world of nutritional psychology, mindfulness meditation, biofeedback, and neuro-affirming assessment practices.


I have clinical experience in the private practice and public sector as a Clinical Neuropsychologist working with clients across the lifespan, as well as over 10 years’ experience as a research psychologist in the fields of health/cognitive psychology and rehabilitation. For a list of my research publications please see my Research Gate page. I also have a few mindfulness meditation tracks available on Insight Timer.

I love traveling, yoga, hiking, art, spending time in nature, and being the mother to my two high energy kids! I also love cooking and finding new and exciting healthy recipes. My family and I moved to the beautiful Northern Rivers in 2019 for a change of pace, lifestyle, and so our little ones can grow up with wide open spaces and close to nature.



  • Doctor of Philosophy (Psychology), University of Sydney, 2011

  • Masters of Clinical Neuropsychology, Macquarie University, 2013

  • Honours (Class 1) in Psychology, University of Sydney, 2007

  • Bachelor of Science (Majors in Psychology and Neuroscience), University of Sydney


Further training:

  • Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised Training (ADI-R), Annie's Centre

  • Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS-2) training, Annie's Centre

  • MIGDAS-2 training certificate, Dr Marilyn Monteiro, ACER

  • Masterclass: Diagnosis of ASD in Children and Adolescents, Attwood and Garnett Events

  • Masterclass: Older Adolescents and Adults with ASD Level 1, Attwood and Garnett Events

  • Certified TALI train provider, TALI health

  • Mindfulness-Integrated Cognitive therapy workshop, MiCBT institute

  • Foundation Course in Mindfulness-Integrated Cognitive therapy, MiCBT institute 

  • Certificate of Human Nutrition, Cadence Health Institute

  • Creative Ways to Help Children Manage Emotions, Creative Child Therapy Workshop

  • Uncommon Hypnotherapy Training Course, Uncommon Knowledge

  • HeartMath Clinical Certification for Stress, Anxiety and Emotional Regulation


Professional Memberships:

  • Member of the Australian Psychological Society (APS)

  • Member of the Psychology and Complementary Therapies Group

  • Registered Psychologist with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)

  • Associate investigator at the Centre for Cognition and their Disorders (CCD)

  • Member of the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine

  • Research psychologist/developer for the Tinnibot project -


About me: About Me
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